Lakewood & Arboretum
February 22 @ 6:00 am - 8:30 am
13km Short Course:
LT BT to Railway, LT BT past Bayswater Stn, RT Pine Rd; RT Orange Gv; LT Sasses Ave; RT Boronia Rd; LT Lewis Rd; drink stop (1);
Run back down Lewis Rd, RT BT, LT Scoresby Rd at Genesis Gym, LT BT to Bayswater Railway, LT, BT Dandenong Creek Trail, RT BT to club rooms.
Course Link: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41899616
16km Medium Course:
LT BT to Railway, LT BT past Bayswater Stn, RT Pine Rd; RT Orange Gv; LT Sasses Ave; RT Boronia Rd; LT Lewis Rd; drink stop (1);
Run back down Lewis Rd, RT onto BT, continue straight on BT, cross under Scoresby Rd, continue straight on BT cross Manuka Dr, continue straight on BT cross Rankin Rd, continue straight on BT cross Wattletree Rd, continue straight on BT cross under Dorset Rd; drink stop (2);
Continue straight on BT, LT BT Underwood Rd; continue straight on BT through Boronia Stn, continue straight on Power Rd, BT to BT Dandenong Creek Trail, RT BT to club rooms.
Course Link: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41899527
26km Long Course:
LT BT to Railway, LT BT past Bayswater Stn, RT Pine Rd; RT Orange Gv; LT Sasses Ave; RT Boronia Rd; LT Lewis Rd; drink stop (1);
LT Burwood Hwy; RT Lakewood Dve; RT into lake opposite Peppermint Gv; lap of lake (extra laps of 1.1ks); out via Peppermint Gv (southern end); through grass area end of street; onto Hugh St; LT Scoresby Rd; RT BT to Arboretum; drink stop (2);
Back onto BT (East); RT Underwood Rd, BT to Upper Ferntree Gully Stn, BT back to Underwood Rd, LT to Arboretum; drink stop (3);
Back onto BT (East); LT Underwood Rd, BT through Boronia Stn, Power Rd, BT to BT Dandenong Creek Trail, RT BT to club rooms.
Course Link: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/41893404